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Delete a node from a singly-linked list,

Quick reference

Worst Case
space O(n)O(n)
prepend O(1)O(1)
append O(1)O(1)
lookup O(n)O(n)
insert O(n)O(n)
delete O(n)O(n)

A linked list organizes items sequentially, with each item storing a pointer to the next one.

Picture a linked list like a chain of paperclips linked together. It's quick to add another paperclip to the top or bottom. It's even quick to insert one in the middle—just disconnect the chain at the middle link, add the new paperclip, then reconnect the other half.

An item in a linked list is called a node. The first node is called the head. The last node is called the tail.

Confusingly, sometimes people use the word tail to refer to "the whole rest of the list after the head."

A linked list with 3 nodes. The first node is labelled "head" and the last node is labelled "tail."

Unlike an array, consecutive items in a linked list are not necessarily next to each other in memory.


  • Fast operations on the ends. Adding elements at either end of a linked list is O(1)O(1). Removing the first element is also O(1)O(1).
  • Flexible size. There's no need to specify how many elements you're going to store ahead of time. You can keep adding elements as long as there's enough space on the machine.


  • Costly lookups. To access or edit an item in a linked list, you have to take O(i)O(i) time to walk from the head of the list to the iith item.


  • Stacks and queues only need fast operations on the ends, so linked lists are ideal.

In Python 3.6

Most languages (including Python 3.6) don't provide a linked list implementation. Assuming we've already implemented our own, here's how we'd construct the linked list above:

  a = LinkedListNode(5)
b = LinkedListNode(1)
c = LinkedListNode(9) = b = c

Doubly Linked Lists

In a basic linked list, each item stores a single pointer to the next element.

In a doubly linked list, items have pointers to the next and the previous nodes.

A doubly-linked list with 3 nodes. The first node has value 5 with a "next" arrow pointing ahead to the second node and a "previous" arrow pointing back to "None." The second node has value 1 with a "next" arrow pointing ahead to the third node and a "previous" arrow pointing back to the first node. The third node has value 9 with a "next" arrow pointing ahead to "None" and a "previous" arrow pointing back to the second node.

Doubly linked lists allow us to traverse our list backwards. In a singly linked list, if you just had a pointer to a node in the middle of a list, there would be no way to know what nodes came before it. Not a problem in a doubly linked list.

Not cache-friendly

Most computers have caching systems that make reading from sequential addresses in memory faster than reading from scattered addresses.

Array items are always located right next to each other in computer memory, but linked list nodes can be scattered all over.

So iterating through a linked list is usually quite a bit slower than iterating through the items in an array, even though they're both theoretically O(n)O(n) time.

given only a variable pointing to that node.

The input could, for example, be the variable b below:

  class LinkedListNode(object):

    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value  = None

a = LinkedListNode('A')
b = LinkedListNode('B')
c = LinkedListNode('C') = b = c



We can do this in O(1)O(1) time and space! But our answer is tricky, and it could have some side effects...


It might be tempting to try to traverse the list from the beginning until we encounter the node we want to delete. But in this situation, we don't know where the head of the list is—we only have a reference to the node we want to delete.

But hold on—how do we even delete a node from a linked list in general, when we do have a reference to the first node?

We'd change the previous node's pointer to skip the node we want to delete, so it just points straight to the node after it. So if these were our nodes before deleting a node:

A singly-linked list with 3 nodes. The first node has value 1 and points to the second node, which has value 4 and points to the third node, which has value 0 and points to "None." We're trying to delete the second node.

These would be our nodes after our deletion:

Now, in the same linked list, the first node points to the third node. So the second node will be skipped and no arrows point to it.

So we need a way to skip over the current node and go straight to the next node. But we don't even have access to the previous node!

Other than rerouting the previous node's pointer, is there another way to skip from the previous pointer's value to the next pointer's value?

What if we modify the current node instead of deleting it?


We take value and next from the input node's next node and copy them into the input node. Now the input node's previous node effectively skips the input node's old value!

So for example, if this was our linked list before we called our function:

A singly-linked list with 3 nodes. The first node has value 3 and points to the second node, which has value 8 and points to the third node, which has value 2 and points to "None." We're trying to delete the second node.

This would be our list after we called our function:

Now, in the same linked list, the second node has value 2 and points to "None." The second node matches the third node, and no arrows point to the third node.

In some languages, like C, we'd have to manually delete the node we copied from, since we won't be using that node anymore. Here, we'll let Python's garbage collector

A garbage collector automatically frees up memory that a program isn't using anymore.

For example, say we did this in Python 3.6:

  def get_min(nums):
    # Note: this is *not* the fastest way to get the min!
    nums_sorted = sorted(nums)
    return nums_sorted[0]

my_nums = [5, 3, 1, 4, 6]
Python 2.7

Look at nums_sorted in get_min(). We allocate that whole list inside our function, and once the function returns we don't need the list anymore. In fact, once the function returns we don't have any references to it anymore!

What happens to that list in memory? The Python 3.6 garbage collector will notice we don't need it anymore and free up that space.

How does a garbage collector know when something can be freed?

One option is to start by figuring out what we can't free. For example, we definitely can't free local variables that we're going to need later on. And, if we have a list, then we also shouldn't free any of the list's elements.

This is the main intuition behind one garbage collector strategy:

  1. Carefully figure out what things in memory we might still be using or need later on.
  2. Free everything else.

This strategy is often called tracing garbage collection, since we usually implement the first step by tracing references from one object (say, the list) to the next (an element within the list).

A different option is to have each object keep track of the number of things that reference it—like a variable holding the location of an array or multiple edges pointing to the same node in a graph. We call this number an object's reference count.

In this case, a garbage collector can free anything with a reference count of zero.

This strategy is called reference counting, since we are counting the number of times each object is referenced.

Some languages, like C, don't have a garbage collector. So we need to manually free up any memory we've allocated once we're done with it:

  // make a string that can hold 15 characters
// including the terminating null byte ('\0')
str = malloc(15);

// ... do some stuff with it ...

// we're done. free that memory!

We sometimes call this manual memory management.

Some languages, like C++, have both manual and automatic memory management.

take care of it.

  def delete_node(node_to_delete):
    # Get the input node's next node, the one we want to skip to
    next_node =

    if next_node:
        # Replace the input node's value and pointer with the next
        # node's value and pointer. The previous node now effectively
        # skips over the input node
        node_to_delete.value = next_node.value  =
        # Eep, we're trying to delete the last node!
        raise Exception("Can't delete the last node with this technique!")

But be careful—there are some potential problems with this implementation:

First, it doesn't work for deleting the last node in the list. We could change the node we're deleting to have a value of None, but the second-to-last node's next pointer would still point to a node, even though it should be None. This could work—we could treat this last, "deleted" node with value None as a "dead node" or a "sentinel node," and adjust any node traversing code to stop traversing when it hits such a node. The trade-off there is we couldn't have non-dead nodes with values set to None. Instead we chose to throw an exception in this case.

Second, this technique can cause some unexpected side-effects. For example, let's say we call:

  a = LinkedListNode(3)
b = LinkedListNode(8)
c = LinkedListNode(2) = b = c


There are two potential side-effects:

  1. Any references to the input node have now effectively been reassigned to its next node. In our example, we "deleted" the node assigned to the variable b, but in actuality we just gave it a new value (2) and a new next! If we had another pointer to b somewhere else in our code and we were assuming it still had its old value (8), that could cause bugs.
  2. If there are pointers to the input node's original next node, those pointers now point to a "dangling" node (a node that's no longer reachable by walking down our list). In our example above, c is now dangling. If we changed c, we'd never encounter that new value by walking down our list from the head to the tail.


O(1)O(1) time and O(1)O(1) space.

What We Learned

My favorite part of this problem is how imperfect the solution is. Because it modifies the list "in place" it can cause other parts of the surrounding system to break. This is called a "side effect."

In-place operations like this can save time and/or space, but they're risky. If you ever make in-place modifications in an interview, make sure you tell your interviewer that in a real system you'd carefully check for side effects in the rest of the code base.

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import unittest
def delete_node(node_to_delete):
# Delete the input node from the linked list
# Tests
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
class LinkedListNode(object):
def __init__(self, value, next=None):
self.value = value = next
def get_values(self):
node = self
values = []
while node is not None:
node =
return values
def setUp(self):
self.fourth = Test.LinkedListNode(4)
self.third = Test.LinkedListNode(3, self.fourth)
self.second = Test.LinkedListNode(2, self.third)
self.first = Test.LinkedListNode(1, self.second)
def test_node_at_beginning(self):

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